What the Hell is this new Way?

Becoming your Savior.
With the mumbling that awakens with enemy at the gates.
You feel the children awaken.
The pot is definitely on fire.
It could burn the house down. It could burn the whole damn country. If it could stop there.

It’s not scary at all. It’s just a fact.
Someone attacking my family.
Hey, might be game time.

Nothing is above my inner children. Not one thing.
God only and even he becomes a team player.
Now it’s game time.

You hear them say: “But Mommy should protect us.”
New Mommy in town.
And Daddy. Divinity itself.

They immediately trust.
Even giggle about how good it feels.
To be nurtured like that.

To be wholly loved.
That’s just Holy love.

They just know. It just is.
The promised land.


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