
Where is connection made?
Is it in the brain? Cause I hear them thoughts about you.
Not normal ones, but you know...
I could even write them here for you.
But the world doesn’t need to know them
I should forget them too.
The mind is loud and tricky. I don’t think she’s got a clue.

Is it in the hands? They feel like they always knew.
Cause they get touchy,
And grabby and huggy around you.
They travel and travel, always exploring anew.
These are some good tools for sharing my care for you.
When the world makes you dizzy, they’re a safe place to fall.
But those places we’ve seen. Don’t need bodies at all.

Is it in the heart? Nah. We shouldn’t even look.
Most poets searched for it there,
Some writers, even a doctor or two.
Such silly men. They got so confused.
Although it’s quite obvious and simple:
Hearts keep bodies running,
Yet souls keep the world fueled.

I think I get it.
Connection is timeless.
You’re everywhere, aren’t you?


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